TALKING NEWS MONTHLY Toyohashi Edition APR 2024 Number 36


  1. It is the Japan month!
    It seems we are flooded with numerous depressing problems in Japan to tackle with.

    The sad news on Akebono has made me worry about sumo wrestlers' health condition, because a lot of former sumo wrestlers die young.
    Obesity is definately one of the causes, but sumo wrestlers need to put on weight to be competitive.
    The Japan Sumo Association should take good care of the wrestlers' health after retirement.

  2. I wanted to add a follow up to the main story. A couple of days ago, I was teaching a bright young woman who will soon graduate from Aichi University (next year). I asked her about her plans & she has already decided to go to Australia on one of those work visas. She hopes to stay there for at least two years & when I asked if she would like to stay permanently, she said "yes!"
    In my next class there was another smart young woman who will be leaving Japan even sooner. Asked whether she wants to return, she said "maybe!"

    1. Hi!
      Good morning?

      It makes me remind about that my friend's daughter went over to Australia on work visas soon after graduated the Thubu University 20 years ago. Meanwhile l disagreed with such kind of way for going abroad.
      I've never seen they spent
      with having core belief.
      What they want?
      The wonderful experience?

      The daughter I mentioned above is now staying as it is in Australia.
      She got married to Japanese Sushi chef, they were coworker.

  3. 1:
    I don't agree with the idea of going abroad only in search of a higher income.
    That is relative, increases or decreases, depending on exchange rate fluctuations.

    Though, I agree with the idea of going abroad, especially English-speaking countries.
    English is an international language, and if you could control it, you could get opportunities.
    These people probably aim to learn the language and the cultural gaps of countries while working.
    Wikipedia says about shipworm.
    Humans had learned how to live and how to make tools from animals and plants.

  4. We're having early summer weather today.

    For a robotic dog:
    KOIN's news writer for a robotic dog makes me cross a border of human's another scientific future.
    I've ever hesitated in thinking about such as out of this world unrealistically, but l'd get over.

    To sense mecanical resistance with our sensory limbs under traning might be strengthened flexibility, which could get through in various fields now and future.


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