TALKING NEWS MONTHLY Toyohashi Edition JAN 2024 Number 33


  1. The transparant TV looks cool!!
    I don't watch TV much, so for the most of the day, it stands as a big dark screen with no use.
    But if I had the transparant TV, it could transform into art or a fish tank, jazzing up my room!
    I only wish the price woulb be affordable.

  2. If it proves popular enough, it will become affordable.
    But it also needs to be energy-efficient, doesn't it?
    Solar-powered perhaps?

  3. Rats are still living in my shack. When I'm quiet, they make rustling noises.They also poke holes in rice bags and eat them. Originary  I put many traps around hardly work.
    thay are cautious and quick.
    One day I blocked a passage. The next day there was a big change.
    6  in total, 2 in each of the 3 traps. I believe they panicked because of the block.
    mice learn what  home is for them.
    That mouse took action return them original location.

  4. When my daughter was a highschool student, there lived a math mouse in our home. After she left her math homework on the kitchen table, and fell asleep, the mouse solved it happily. The next morning, the mouse even gave her a brief lecture.

  5. ??
    Is a math mouse one of an educational program for students?
    It's a funky expression, masumi san!!

  6. My husband likes math, so, he spoiled his daughter😅

    1. I thought so😉
      It has an old nostalgic memory!!

  7. This Talkingnews blog covers all about of current inccidents, up to date, with an unconventional way.

    I enjoy reading an alternative lifestyle of smoked Queen Margrethe, which shows people exist on the similar base.

    On the other hand I'm not able to get a right answer why Henry Alfred Kissinger visits China constantly at 100-Year-Old as well.

    What's his sense of mission?
    What's such a strong belief?

    He died 2023.11.29 only 4 months after visiting. He was an American citizen from Germany.

  8. Happy Birthday is coming soon for everyone!!
    Congratulation to all and you!!


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