TALKING NEWS Toyohashi Edition May 20th 2020 Headline News #5b

Walking, Talking News


  1. Thanks Ian, you got others to smile with 'Silly Walk' sketch while you had a sound system trouble. I enjoyed being with the best silly walks, kinds of calm movements participating in it.

    Each of house owners should have duties no one get hurt in their front yards including walkways in Toronto. It means to bring some positivity into the puzzle that she gives permissions for pedestrians.

    I suppose the town is still calm.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed that story. Have you tried doing a silly walk recently?
      Of course, it will probably never catch on in Japan, unless it becomes a new internet craze here.
      Everyday, I enjoy a walk but nothing too silly! Just walking...

  2. Hi Ian
    Now it started to collaborate the thin moon(left), venus(right) and mercury(upper right from the moon) formed
    triangle at just above the horizon in west north west sky.

    Good night


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